One announcement and one riddle in this quickie newsletter – no excuse not to read this.
On Wednesday mornings the Water Aerobics group goes until 11:15 AM, so while the pool still opens at 11:00 AM, there will be awesome energetic music and lots of people exercising. The shallow area by the steps and the diving well will be fully open. Just hang out to the music while the group finishes their amazing exercise routine. Then, next week, you can join them!
Riddle: What’s awesome, healthy, fun, good for joints, social, energetic, and a great workout? Water Aerobics!!! (if you didn’t see that answer coming, then you don’t read enough of our newsletters).
Wednesdays 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM
Fridays 8:00 AM – 9:45 AM
Sundays 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM
$10 for members, $12 for non-members
Just show up, sign in, and pay. Bring a noodle if you have one, and a stretchy large rubber band type thing also (if you don’t have those items, there are usually extras so you can borrow one).
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