

We are a year-round facility offering loads of family and individual activities.  We offer a variety of membership types to custom fit your needs.  Our swim memberships give you the summer swim season and year-round access to the paddle tennis and pickleball courts, plus you receive a discount on any of our Spring and Fall programming (youth swim training, lessons, masters, lap swimming).

Membership Types:

Pool Membership = Summer pool session (Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day), discounts on spring and fall swim programming (through FINS Swimming), as well as year-round access to pickleball and paddle tennis (with lighted courts for night play).

Pickleball or Paddle Tennis Only = lower cost, but no pool or discounts on our spring/fall programming with FINS.

Membership runs from when you join in 2025 through May 24, 2026. 

Thanks to our heated pool, we can also offer spring and fall pool programming through our swim partner, FINS.  More lap swimming, youth training, swim lessons, masters swimming, tri-training, and water aerobics are available to keep you active outdoors for more time.  We keep the water at least 80 degrees (usually 82-84 degrees) in the spring and fall to ensure a comfortable time in the pool.  Members receive a 15% discount on these programs, which you sign up for through FINS Swimming.

Continuing MembershipsTemporary Memberships
One time Initiation Fee ($750)No Initiation Fee
Voting RightsNo Voting Rights
Designed for those who will be with us a long timeDesigned for those who may be  in the neighborhood 1-3 years
– Family (2 adults + children)– Family (2 adults + children)
– Head of Household (1 adult + children)– Head of Household (1 adult + children)
– Couple– Couple
– Individual– Individual
Sustaining Memberships 
Sustaining Membership is available to those family units who have held a charter, regular
or associate membership for a minimum of fifteen (15) years, and who certify that they
have no children living at home who are eighteen (18) years of age or under.

These memberships give access to the Paddle Tennis and Pickleball courts as well.

2025 Season Membership Rates

Continuing Membership TypeEarly Bird *Regular Price
Head of Household$758$806
Initiation Fee$750$750
Initiation Senior Couple$450$450
Initiation Senior Individual$300$300
Temporary Membership Type  
Temporary Family$1,088$1,158
Temporary Head of Household$936$996
Temporary Couple$800$852
Temporary Single$571$607
Child Care Provider$75$75
*  Early Bird – Pay by March 15, 2025  

Continuing, Sustaining, and Temporary memberships give access to the Paddle Tennis and Pickleball courts.

Swimming PoolPaddle Tennis
Summer pool seasonYear-Round
Swim & Dive TeamsLeague Play
Social EventsLighted courts
Fall & Spring programming is available at a discount with our swim partner – FINSPickleball
Masters SwimmingLeague Play
Triathlete Training:  Adults & KidsTournaments
Water AerobicsLighted courts
Social Events 
Volleyball Court 

Paddle Tennis

Allows use of Paddle Tennis courts and Pickleball courts (no swimming pool)

Family – $425

Individual – $295


Allows use of Pickleball courts only (no swimming pool)

Family – $450

Individual – $195