Pool Rules


The pool manager and pool staff are responsible for the safe and orderly operation of the pool.

The pool operator in charge of the pool may eject anyone (member, dependant or guest) from the pool property at any time and suspend their right to use the pool facilities for failing to observe these rules or otherwise acting improperly. Members are responsible for ensuring that their children and guests are informed of, and obey, these rules. Problems should be brought to the attention of the Pool Manager and, if unresolved, to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may take disciplinary actions including suspension or revocation of membership for improper actions by a member, dependant, or guest.

  1. The pool staff is responsible for all people using OFSPTC facilities and enforcing these rules. The instructions and directives of the pool staff shall be obeyed by all people using OFSPTC facilities at all times.
  2. No play or activity that is deemed unsafe or disrespectful shall be allowed.  Pool management, lifeguards, and OFSPTC board members have discretion regarding these matters.
  3. Horseplay including sitting on shoulders, pushing, running, dunking, and fighting is not allowed.
  4. No one is permitted to enter the pool unless lifeguards are on duty.
  5. Guests who are not OFSPTC members may visit as guests of Members no more than three (3) times per season, and are encouraged to join OFSPTC.  For out of town guests or longer term visits, please contact membership@oldfarmpool.org.
  6. Every Member, adult or child, is required to check-in at the front desk each time they enter the OFSPTC facilities. Each Member is required to have a recent photo uploaded to the membership system, which will be confirmed at the front desk during check-in.  Members are responsible for verifying and updating their membership information for themselves and their families via the OFSPTC membership management system.
  7. Absolutely no children ten (10) years of age or under will be admitted to the OFSPTC facilities unless accompanied and supervised by an adult Member or guest or youth Member who is at least fourteen (14) years of age.
  8. Children fourteen (14) years of age and under will be required to pass a basic swim test before they are allowed to enter the pool without parental supervision. Each child will receive a bracelet that must be worn at all times they are in the pool upon passing the basic swim test.  Parents are required to supervise any child who fails to pass the basic swim test when they are in the pool.
  9. Children under fourteen (14) years of age may not use the pool after 7:00 PM unless accompanied and supervised at the pool property by an adult Member, adult Guest or youth Member of his/her own family at least fourteen years of age.
  10. Children under three (3) years of age are not permitted in the main pool or the wading pool unless they are wearing waterproof diapers or plastic pants over the diaper
  11. The wading pool requires supervision for all children under the age of 14 by a member or guest who is at least sixteen (16) years of age and who remains inside the wading pool enclosure with the child.  The wading pool is for young children only.
  12. Children 6 years of age or older must change in the appropriate locker room or see the Manager for alternate arrangements.
  13. Health Department regulations require that all persons take a shower before using the pool. All bathers leaving the pool facilities or using the toilet facilities must take another shower before returning.
  14. Running is not permitted at any time anywhere inside the OFSPTC facilities.
  15. The use of balls, Frisbees, throw toys, snorkels, face masks, water toys and other water equipment is at the discretion of the pool manager on duty. Under no circumstances will the use of such toys and/or equipment be permitted when such use constitutes a safety hazard or nuisance to other pool users.
  16. Coast Guard approved and labeled personal flotation devices, such as vests designed to provide vertical support, may be worn with permission of the pool manager. Water wings (swimmies) may not be worn. Each individual wearing a personal flotation device must be accompanied by an adult in the pool, within arms reach.
  17. Fifteen (15) minutes of each hour will be reserved for an adult swim period. All children under the age of sixteen (16) years must vacate the swimming and diving areas during this time period. Children six (6) years and under may continue to use the wading pool during this period. This period may be waived at the discretion of the pool manager.
  18. One or more swim (lap) lanes will be marked and maintained for lap swimming at the discretion of the pool staff. Persons not swimming laps shall remain outside the marked swim lanes. Swimmers using the lanes should enter only from the end of the lane, shall swim counter-clockwise near the lane markers, and shall pass in the middle.
  19. No prolonged underwater swimming or deadman’s float is permitted.
  20. Swimmers whose hair is shoulder length or longer, when wet, are required to either wear a cap or secure their hair with a rubber band when in the pool.
  21. Food, candy, gum, drinks, loose paper, must be restricted to the tables provided throughout the area. Glass containers of any kind are not permitted on the OFSPTC property. Members and Guests are responsible for cleaning up your area and placing all trash in the appropriate recycling or trash container.
  22. The use of footwear is prohibited in the pool except when authorized by the pool staff.
  23. Any person having a communicable disease, skin disorder, inflammation, cuts, bandages, etc., may not use the pool.
  24. Members twelve (12) years of age or younger are not allowed to reserve furniture by placing clothing or other articles thereon.
  25. All injuries occurring on club property must be reported immediately to the pool staff.
  26. No one except the pool staff is permitted in the OFSPTC office unless there is an emergency.
  27. Socializing with the pool staff at the check-in desk is not permitted.
  28. Children riding to the pool on bicycles should park and lock their bikes in the bike racks. Bikes are not permitted to be parked anywhere else. It is strongly recommended that bikes be registered with the Montgomery County Police Department. OFSPTC is not liable for the safety of bicycles or any other personal property.
  29. Private parties at OFSPTC must be pre-approved by the Social Chairperson(s). To make arrangements, contact social@oldfarmpool.org or fill out the Party Reservation Form.  Members are also responsible for guest fees for non-members.
  30. No smoking is permitted within the pool enclosure or on any part of the OFSPTC property.
  31. Intentionally not following the rules and being disrespectful to members and staff can lead to an immediate suspension of up to 48 hours.  The pool management team and OFSPTC board members have the right to implement a suspension

OFSPTC is not responsible for the loss of or damage to personal property brought onto OFSPTC property, whether by Members, guests, or other persons.