
Pool membership registration is now closed.  Join our waitlist for pool membership, or join Pickleball now with no waitlist.

Available Now:  Join as a Paddle Tennis or Pickleball Only Member!!!  No Waitlist.

Lighted courts for more available playing time.

Qustions?  membership@oldfarmpool.org

OFP Diamond Anniversary!

Can you believe it??!! Old Farm is 60 years old this season!!

60 years of families having fun, kids swimming and diving, more BBQ’s than you can count, and more laughs per person than should be legal.  We’re going to celebrate this AMAZING milestone this year by having a couple of special events for the community to join.  If you’ve been a member for most of that time and you some memories you’d like to share, please get in touch with the board.  president@oldfarmpool.org


The Latest News

Open House and Swim Team Registration

Paddle Tennis Invitational Tournament a Big Success

Women’s Paddle Tournament